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Breaking Ground!


Construction has begun! Friday (7/16/2021) marked the beginning of excavations for the new depot foundation. The hole should be fully excavated early this week and then work on forming up the foundation can commence. If construction and building preparations stay on schedule, the depot should be moving in the first half of September! Stay tuned for updates!

If you'd like to continue to donate to the Depot Fund, additional funds raised will go towards any surprise costs of moving the Depot or will be added to the Phase 2 starting balance for Renovations! You can give directly to the cause by going to and clicking the 'PayPal - DONATE NOW' link in the top section of the page. You can also send a check to PO Box 683, Charles City, IA 50616 or you can stop by First Security Bank and make a direct deposit to the 'Save the Depot' fund. Thank you all for your amazing generosity!



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