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The Memory of Ron Turner and More!


Updated: May 6, 2021

“Everyone who knew Ron Turner knew three things about him — he loved teaching and coaching kids, and he loved trains.”

We are honored to be a place of memorial for Ron Turner’s legacy. As mentioned in the article below, he was a beloved teacher and coach, as well as a staple in the local train enthusiast community. Ron was a friend of the museum before we had even considered becoming a museum. Several members of our museum board remember him fondly as he would come by and visit with us when we were in town working on the train cars. If you haven’t already, take the time to read the amazing article below.

If you would like to donate to the ‘Save the Depot’ effort in memory of Ron, please send your check to the 'American Passenger Train History Museum' at PO Box 683, Charles City, IA 50616 and put 'Ron Turner Memorial' in the memo. Or you can go to and donate via the PayPal link on our home page! Please email us at our Support email if you choose to donate via PayPal as we will need to know that to connect it with the rest of the memorial money.

We also have an amazing update on the Depot fundraising efforts! We've now raised over $200,000! We still have a ways to go to meet out goal of $350,000, but we still have some of Jim Smith's match left to use on incoming donations so please donate now via PayPal or by mail! Every little it helps!

Here is a link the article in the Charles City Press:



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